Paddle Camp


Ages: 10 – 15

Perfect your paddling with more in-depth instruction and more time on the Root River! Our 4-day Paddle Camp will teach students how to safely and effectively maneuver a canoe and kayak on flat water. Learn paddling skills, including basic strokes and safety instruction. The camp will be led by a certified American Canoe Association (ACA) instructor.

Sea Kayaking: Take your kayaking to the next level! Sea kayaks are longer and narrower than recreational kayaks and are suitable for larger bodies of water. We will spend the first day or two on the Root River getting used to the sea kayaks. Then we will move to Quarry Lake Park where we will work on deep water rescues. Prepare to get wet!

Space is limited to strict ACA instructor / student ratios.

Paddle Camp $80.00 members / $90.00 non-members
       June 23-26, 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm
       July 7-10, 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Sea Kayaking $90.00 members / $100.00 non-members
      July 21-24, 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm
      August 4-7, 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm

              1 or 2 days of this camp will be held at Quarry Lake Park in Racine. Students must provide their own transportation.

Registration is required. Space is limited. For more information or to reserve your space, please call 262-639-1515 or email